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Orange is the new Blue

Is it smoke or is it fog? In a San Francisco September, its hard to know.

Orange is the new blue.

It touches me, you, and you.

A planet under siege, a community apocalypse.

Embracing the new normal.

Plexi-glass, smokey skies, and masks

Abnormal, abnormal, abnormal

Anticipating the day when we can be close,

rip off our masks, and not have lines.

To be a community.

To be together.

I can remember seeing the pink, ominous sun when the fires would burn in New

Mexico and smoke would blow in from Arizona when I was a child.

Now, I’ve seen the same pink sun and gray sky every September since I moved to San Francisco three years ago.

Unprecedented, unprecedented, unprecedented

All I’ve ever known is “we’re in a drought”.

The orange glow is omnipresent and out of this world.

Filter on Instagram not necessary.

Just come to California.

It’s nothing compared to the flames destroying homes and buildings in the North.

I feel guilty to feel sad because I know others have it bad.

“We will get through this together”-The Orange Man under an orange glow, with the COVID-19 virus

Orange is the new Blue

"The past 10 years are the hottest on record in the history of record keeping"-NASA

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